Research Question Propsal

I have always been fascinated by technology, ever since I was little. I don’t think technology has been around for very long. Throughout my lifetime, I have witnessed a global expansion in technology. And it really got me thinking: Why is technology advancing so quickly these days? What drew me in was the capabilities of technology and its potential to advance humankind. Our technology is developing quickly. Whether it be electronically, mechanically, or medically—we use technology breakthroughs on a daily basis, and I think they are very useful to our lives. I’d want to learn more about the history of technology as I don’t really know much about it. The ease with which technology has facilitated our daily life is really amazing. That’s why I chose to major in radiologic technology. Working in the medical industry, using technology to assist those in need and being a part of a community that contributes to save lives is what I’ve always aspired to do. With this research i expect to learn how technology has changed over time and how it can affect the upcoming generations

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