Research Question Proposal

What does it really take to have a successful, prolonging career on YouTube? This is a question Iā€™ve had for as long as I can remember. From what I hear is that it is a flexible job to sustain though it appears some peopleā€™s success varies sometimes. A select amount of YouTubersā€™ popularity have the chance of plummet supposedly due to algorithms. With good awareness in those algorithms comes the ability to adjust accordingly. Iā€™d also hope to get to know what exactly those ā€œalgorithmsā€ are that the YouTube community mentions every now and then. Those who are very creative or are good at coming with ideas tend to prosper.The idea of striving to become a prosperous YouTuber is almost comparable to gambling in the sense that your success is not guaranteed. There are of course other aspects I wish to look more into such as whether this is a career where networking is necessary or can be applied at all, owning more than one channel at a time would allow for more exposure, or if there any particular strategies that are reliable to go by? From my experience as a person who tried it out as a middle school student, I soon came to notice that it took a lot more work than I initially thought it would, especially on my own. What made me so interested in this field was that the types of content to be presented to others was almost endless. It was also just fun to both watch others channels and be in the middle of the process of making your own content.

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