H.W 2.2

   Something I was interested in as a kid was styling and fashion. I always knew I wanted to be a fashion designer. I never really did any fashion design when I was little but I still said in the future I wanted to become one. I am still interested in fashion, I still like to dress up, and I still want to have a career in fashion design. Research online as well as asking questions to people I knew who did styling and were into fashion helped me understand more about the topic and continue to be interested in it while growing up. My curiosity on this topic has increased over the years. Before, I really didn’t prepare myself for my career and didn’t take the steps, skills I needed or knowledge I needed to have in order to study fashion design. But over the past three years, I have prepared and enhanced my skills and knowledge about the topic. The educational system helped me a lot in order for me to really become more interested gain more knowledge and be able to understand if I really want a career in fashion. I tried to give up but realized that being a fashion designer is what I really want to accomplish.

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