Homework 2.2

  1. What is something you were interested in when you were a kid? Are you still interested in that topic?  When I was a kid the top thing, I was interested in was the acting classes in theater school and tennis that i used to play professionally. I quitted tennis at the age of 13, because of facing a burnout but the acting classes, different story. When I was taking them, we had a bunch of homework such as learning the specific scripts and practicing memorizing them really good and overall, much more, well the end result was I quitted those classes, because my little self couldn’t handle being on top of the tasks in school and in acting classes. I am still interested in pursuing things in this field and looking forward to it.
  2. If so, how curiosity changed and grown over the years? What role did educational system play in that curiosity? I wouldn’t say my curiosity tremendously grown but it is definitely not lost, the school played a big role in it. It wasn’t only that I couldn’t keep up with my assignments was also the bullying in a way that I faced in my class. My classmates found out that I was enrolled in theater school, and they made fun of me, that I am the dreamer wasting my time on something that I wouldn’t achieve, that acting is not serious and I’m being stupid for taking those classes. Also, I remember when I forgot to do a school project and my mom came to school to talk to a teacher about it, mom said that we both apologize, and we will bring it in a little late because we spent a lot of time in theater that completely been lost from track. My teacher said to mom that it is totally fine, and she understands but  then further on apparently was the same opinion as my classmates .. So Yeah, the school system and your community can play a big role in your interests, even if they are outside of a school building.

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