Homework 2.2

When I was younger, I used to be curious about everything. I was always asking my mom about everything, but what interested me the most was how everything was made, or where everything came from. When I had started school, I realized that all of that was learned in science. Then, as I got older the science classes were fun because the teachers were also fun. Although, when it came to my middle school, a strict, old, catholic school, the teachers there did not care about teaching the kids. They were stuck up on their old and ancient teaching ways, and made learning a living hell. Ever since then, learning about how everything works was boring, or learning how where things come from or how things are formed. I think by then, I liked math better because the math throughout all my years have been taught by an understanding and helpful math teacher. I consider myself very lucky to have had a lot of help with math because now I actually understand it and can help my sister with her math homework. I just think about what if I ever liked science again, would I have had a different major? I chose architecture because I like math, but would I have chosen to be a pharmacist or a doctor?

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