hw 2.2

When I was a kid I was always interested in becoming a teacher. The thought of helping kids out and teaching them ways of learning had always caught my attention. Also, seeing how they handle so many kids was also so interesting. I would always have this one favorite teacher and I would always ask her why she loves teaching. She would always tell me if you do something you love you’re always going to have passion for it and enjoy it. Currently my interest in it has slightly changed. Over time my interest in becoming a teacher isn’t there anymore but I would say the idea of wanting to help others is still there. But as I got older I’ve come to realize it isn’t something I feel like I love and see myself in the future being one.  I started having so much passion in nursing. Going to the doctors every time for a check up. I believe that the educational system fails to benefit us as kids since it does not allow us to explore and discover what we enjoy. We are all taught the same things, which does not allow us to discover what we love. 

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