Homework 2.2

When I was kid I was interested in why I had to say the pledge of allegiance everyday in primary school. But when I got into high school it was more rather a choice if you wanted to say it or not. But in college I don’t hear it especially since no one speaks on the loud speakers.  I never asked questions on why we had to say it because I doubted any of my teachers would have the answer to my question. But I do remember in 2016 when famous NFL player Colin Kaeprenick kneeled during it that’s when my curiosity strikes again. After he kneeled during the pledge I seen his life change in the flash of an eye. Now I understand some people don’t have to pledge based on their religion I believe but I don’t know who ? I would like to know who doesn’t have to recite the pledge ? Who differentiates from Colin Kaepernick that he was punished for it and others who don’t pledge they walk away free. Yes I admit it was on national tv but he was standing up for what he believes in.  But also there’s a time and place for everything so he was also wrong .

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