HW D.1

The article “Later” was a somewhat interesting article. It talked about procrastination and how long it has been around for. I relate personally to this article a lot and it is part of the reason as to why I find it interesting. One of the things I found frustrating was how procrastination is explained. In the article they explain it as a will to be able to do the tasks you need completed. But it also states that when people find their own solutions to solving their “will” problem, it isn’t a real solution, it is their “extended will”. I find this frustrating because making your will stronger doesn’t have to be the only solution to your procrastination problem. If there is a simple and easy solution that best fits you, I feel that you should stick with it. Other than this frustration, I think the article is very informational. It provides a good amount of information about procrastination that I for sure did not know about. For example, the article talks about an experiment where people chose to get a hundred dollars today or a hundred and ten the next. They also did the same with a month difference. They later found out that people would rather wait a month and a day for the extra ten rather than an extra day. “In other words, hyperbolic discounters are able to make the rational choice when they’re thinking about the future, but, as the present gets closer, short-term considerations overwhelm their long-term goals.“ This means that some people don’t think clearly about their goals depending on the time window. If they can get something that benefits them now, then they would take it immediately. But if they know that they have time to wait, they would make the best choice possible for their future.

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