Homework 2.1

James Baldwin was saying that you don’t have to assimilate to society expectations.  You have the right to be able to perceive the world in which you wish to perceive it.  Baldwin means when he says the “world is larger” is that the world is gonna continue to expand. When people are born they gain knowledge from other generations. This knowledge is therefore passed on to the next generation. What he means by saying we have the necessity to exam things is to learn off the things we are learning, to be able to adapt it. I wish in school I had been taught about stocks, taxes, and financial literacy. We had to wait until college. Even in college we still don’t know about it unless its our major or we learn outside of school. To know these things we are getting a better understanding of life. We don’t want to be ignorant of the things around us. I wish I had also been taught how to get a job and make money in school.  No one said you were guarantee a job after college even if you take the hardest major. No one said what was next. We just constantly go to school for 4 years or even more without knowing what’s next. After Elementary we knew it was middle school then high school then you choose a major to study in college but what is after that? What do we do next ? How do we move forwards ?  Yes, you can go for your masters if you want and that can just give you even more money to spend for another possible 4 years of school. But with an associates, bachelors and masters what is next for anyone ? Yes you can apply for internships but it’s not 100% guarantee a job on the spot. So, yes it would’ve been useful to know these topics in school so I can survive through life knowing I have no problems.

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