
This article speaks about the many different experiences with procrastination and why it is a thing. Something that bored me with this article was that it was very long. I believe something that made me procrastinate on reading this article was seeing the amount of pages that it had. I think the sentences were very long and it was hard to keep up with some points. But I will say that I do somewhat relate to it. For example I can relate to thinking I have more time than I actually do. In the article on page 7, it states, “Elster thinks that people underestimate the time ‘it will take them to complete a given task, partly because they fail to take account of how long it has taken them to complete similar projects in the past and partly because they rely on smooth scenarios in which accidents or unforeseen problems never occur.'”. I often don’t plan ahead for situations that may come up. For example, I could have a paper to do but then procrastinate and then maybe a family emergency will come up causing me to have less time which leads me to be late with my submission of my paper. Something that I found that was interesting was that lack of confidence has a role in procrastination. In the text on page 8, it says, “McClellan’s “immobility” highlights several classic reasons we procrastinate. Although when he took over the Union army he told Lincoln ‘I can do it all,’ he seems to have been unsure that he could do anything. He was perpetually imploring Lincoln for new weapons, and, in the words of one observer,’he felt he never had enough troops, well enough trained or equipped.’Lack of confidence…”. This example shows that even a general faced procrastination during the war because of lack of confidence. He didn’t believe that he could carry out the task even though he was well prepared for fear that he would fail. I never thought that lack of confidence would have a role in procrastination.

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