HW 2.1

lesly lucero sosa

What James Baldwin is trying to say in that passage is that they are allowed to question society and the education system and not just stick to it. In the passage, the author gives examples of how society expects us to be. He describes an African American who was born in america. He went along with his society thinking that he and his family were happy and his ancestors were happy too. But unfortunately society doesn’t want us to have questions or opinions. They want us to obey the rules and deal with it. The value he has as a black person is proven by his devotion to white people. This showed how people didn’t know their back history and simply went with it because society does not want us to question it. They are allowed to freely express their opinion on any topic and want to have answers. When he says the world is larger he means that the world is full of new experiences, new events occur throughout the day making history larger. I have the necessity to examine the world around me. I am allowed to question the society I live in. I am allowed to learn things I want to learn. I am allowed to agree and disagree with conventional topic.Something I wish that school would teach but doesnt is events that occur currently and are going to occur. I feel like that is more important than past history because we are living it and need to know how our world is changing at the moment. Us knowing what is going on now allows us to want to take action and make a change. I think it’s important to know what is going on at the moment because it can affect the future if people are aware and don’t do anything about it.


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