H.W DP (Diffuculty Paper)

In this article “Later” by James talks about different ways to procrastinate and how it all affects each other. The article talks about how everyone procrastinates no matter who they are and how it affects them. I found the article pretty interesting because I can relate to it when the author states, “ Many of us go through life with an array of undone tasks, large and small, nibbling at our conscience.” This is definitely something many of us can relate to, even the author said it. We all procrastinate no matter who we are. Which I would have never really thought that really EVERYONE procrastinates regardless of who they are. In paragraph 10 James talking about procrastination affected a social scientist Jon Elister talks about not only you procrastinate by using electronics but you also procrastinate by doing other things that need to be done. Something confusing I found is when he talks about different people and they’re perspective on procrastinating. I think for some people including myself it can be a bit confusing but I see where it can be useful and  helpful also. Procrastination has been happening for a while now but it has affected people differently including today. I could agree with this part of the article where the author states, “Procrastination most often arises from a sense that there is too much to do, and hence no single aspect of the to-do worth doing.” Which is a situation I can identify with. I feel like I would be aware of how much work I have to get done, but I keep putting it off and finding other things to do. 


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