HW 1.4

I was somebody who was really lazy and never wanted to wake up in the morning and go to school. Around 9th grade this became the biggest turning point for me in education as my parents had to leave at 5 am everyday and I had to wake myself up around 7 am to get ready for school. This just didn’t work for me as I am a deep sleeper. So I missed 70% of 9th grade due to that fact. No motivation in my life to get me to school. When you miss a lot of days of school you tend to miss a lot of work. Because of that I had to go to summer school. When I found out about that I was just like whatever its only for a month.

That summer was very challenging for me. Waking up everyday on time and taking a packed bus and walking to school in the heat. It was a nightmare in my eyes. Wasting seven to eight hours in total a day on this all because of my dumb mistake. This is the driving force that motivated me to not miss school and make sure I got there and did my work so that I never had to experience another summer where all I did for a month and a half was go to school.

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