HW 1.3


I  have a couple ingredients for the education narrative genre. From both readings I saw how the authors reminisce about their past and issues they dealt with. As well as bringing up topics such as race, and not belonging and tying that in with education and learning and shaping your future self. I also believe that in a education narrative genre there is emotions that should connect with other people. This would be a perfect place for me to start for my narrative as I’ve had experiences in the past with education that shaped me and made me learn. Ive failed grades and have had injuries where I didn’t feel comfortable coming back to school from. These helped change me and my education. The concern is if these are big enough to write about in my opinion. Are these emotional and deep enough to write about? One educational narrative I had was failing a grade. I missed a lot of school just due to the fact that I was lazy and couldn’t wake myself up in time. This resulted in me missing a lot of time in school and missing work. I had to go to summer school which by far is the worst. I met friends and had fun but waking up early, taking a packed bus, and having to spend six to seven hours a day on school in the summer sucked. It taught to push myself for the better of my time and my educations time.





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