HW 1.4

One incident that changed my view in education was when the pandemic hit. I was a freshman in high school and everything was new to me, when the pandemic hit we all had to go remote. I wasn’t fine with the decision thinking it would be difficult to learn this way, but I was wrong. When we first started it was a little all over the place but with time I got used to it and I realized that online learning was way much easier then a in-person class. I was learning at my own pace and my own space and it was very convenient for me.

Another incident that changed my view in education was when I moved here in the U.S from the Dominican Republic. When I started school here I did not  know any English so it was a very difficult situation for me at that moment. With time I was getting the hang of it by reading books, talking with teachers and classmates, writing and listening to the language. Now I can say I’m almost a fluent English speaker.

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