Homework 1.4

Throughout the twelve years of school and the fact that I have changed three schools in different countries and states, has given me a bunch of knowledge. Knowledge in the difference of school systems, educational programs and what it can give to the kids and knowledge as if throughout experiences in different communities. I questioned myself, so what was the most memorable thing that the time you spent in school gave you. The first thing that came to my mind was my high school English teacher, here in NYC. She was my English teacher twice, the freshman year English class and then the AP English in my junior year. What was so memorable about her? She was one of the strictest teachers ever, with a lot of rules and morals that everyone else had to follow. I still remember how shocked everyone was after leaving her class on the second floor, the class was one of the best looking, cleanest in the whole school and a bunch of natural light coming through the window, but the teacher…I remember how everyone hated her and her class as well, they referred as if “You can’t even take a breath in that class, she will fail you. ” After hearing all of that commenting, I felt really scared for myself and my grades, because I’m not that best of a student, it is hard for me to focus, and I often forget about homework’s.  Few months passed by and to be fully honest I disliked the teacher too, she in fact was absolutely the strictest person in the whole school. But then I realized something. The way she was teaching us, her methods and a really strict deadlines for assignments, made me actually study and keep track of everything better than in any other class I was taking. I mean, I had no choice but to do so, otherwise she would surely and easily fail me. Honestly after a year’s passed by, I am really grateful that I had such an experience with that teacher, may sound a little weird, because I still know classmates who to nowadays don’t even want to talk about that teacher and refer as if she was their high school nightmare. But I am a 100% grateful to her, the study methods that she used, made me actually do stuff, remember things and be more responsible in a way, to even nowadays the information and knowledge she provided to us, is really handy and useful and in my opinion that’s really important!   Post made by Iuliia(Julia)Khutsishvili

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