Homework 1.4

  1. READ/REVIEW: Unit 1 Assignment Sheet
  2. THINK: Think of one specific incident that changed your views on education. Picture the scene.
  3. REVIEW : Please review the slideshow we watched in class about what paragraphs are. You can find it HERE .
  4. WRITE: a blog post of at least two distinct paragraphs describing one specific incident that changed your views on education using Concrete, Significant detail. The incident you described in class will be a great place to start.

1 thought on “Homework 1.4”

  1. An incident that changed my views on education was back in middle school when I had Ms. Filpo for math. For her class, I don’t think I did a single homework assignment for weeks at one point, and despite her calling my Mom all the time, I just never had the motivation to do my homework because I didn’t care enough about school when I left the building. The incident that changed my views, however, was when the principal got involved, and they had a whole meeting between my Mom, me, and a bunch of high-ranking people in 1 room. I remember the room being hot. I was sweating and very quiet because I already knew my Mom was mad at me, so I didn’t wanna say or do anything out of pocket.

    In the end, they just said what I already knew beforehand. Still, in a way, I felt terrible because my Mom had to waste her time because of my own laziness, and because of that, I started doing my homework before the class began. To this day, I still rarely do homework at home, but I still find time and places to do it. I will officially change my mindset now that I’m in college. That experience will always stick with me because I feel like back then, I never tried to make my Mom look bad in front of all of the staff, and that’s one thing I never wanted to do.

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