Homework 1.3

From the stories we have reviewed in this class so far the conventions of the educational narrative genre are consisted of things that mark who you are as a person based on what you write about. Your point of view on a topic, a personal life experience, etc. I think a good place to get started with my own educational narrative would be just to start writing about small yet impactful memories in my life that I’ve had. The reason I say this is because since this style of writing would have been based on me, I personally would find this more difficult than writing about a character that I could just make up an easy story for.

Growing up I struggled a lot in school when is came to communication as there was a language barrier. I am not from America and came here in the mid year of second grade, so it was hard for me to interact with my teachers on school related topics for the first years of school in America. As the years followed my understanding of the English language got better but, I grew self conscious of my pronunciation and that then led me to become more reserved. During middle school is when I started leaning towards reading books, since I had found it hard to interact with because of me not being a big talker. When I got to high school I was surrounded with all of these clubs, and one of them ended up being a book club that my English teacher told me to join, and I was so glad I did because in that club we didn’t have to talk. Not one bit. We were just told to read and then write about what we were reading in what ever way we wanted to. And that was all I needed. Next thing you know, without even thinking about it, I started talking to people a making friends along the way. Till today I still struggle interacting with new people to the point that people sometimes think I’m rude, but I think that college will help me when it comes to being more social.

The main concern I have is having to continue writing in this narrative genre since I’m not used to this style.


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