Homework 1.3

Based on the articles we have read so far; the conventions of the educational narrative genre seem pretty specific and clear. All of the three authors talk about their personal life stories or the points of view(s), that while reading they want a reader to go through and understand their choices and feelings. In their writing they specify the characters that are involved, mostly the stories were about the immigrant parents and themselves / the authors. I loved how they prescribed their feelings/emotions so that the reader can get into the story deeper, one of the examples I took from the text “Fourth of July” page 1 “In it, the readers can see the anger that spurred much of Lordes writing” and then further in this writing piece we can see how people / family faced all of the struggles such as racism, sexism and homophobia. The other convention for this genre is the way that story overall goes, story structure is also one of the important parts. In my opinion the good place to start with my own educational narrative piece is to jot down or break down the whole idea of the story I want to talk about, understand if I want to write only from my point of view or add the other people’s perspectives as well. For now, I do not have any questions or concerns about a writing piece of my own, if I would have any, I will add it into the comments under this post. Post made by Julia (Iuliia) Khutsishvili

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