Homework 1.2

Mike Bunn says ”you’re already an author” I think Bunn is encouraging  readers to approach reading as if they were the author. Authors  don’t just write without thinking about what to write. When I was in high school, my English teacher asked me to write a story based on a random picture she posted on the smart board. It was one of the most challenging tasks I had ever done because it required me to write without any prior planning. However, good writing requires careful planning, consideration of the target audience and mindful word choices. For example, when you write a comic book, the writer must come up with characters, come up with creative ideas and make choices. Similarly, when reading, the reader should pause to digest the information and understand the author’s message. It is important to reflect on how the book or article relates to you and to identify what you  like or dislike about it. When we write or read, we are expressing ourselves and sharing our thoughts and ideas. Therefore, it is essential to understand the author’s perspective and what message they are trying to send out.
I text almost every day. It could be a message to my manager telling her that I am not available to work, or sending emails to  tutors to get extra help. I mentioned in class that I enjoy trading as a hobby. To be a successful trader, I need to express myself after I finish a trade and evaluate whether I made the right choice. My existing communication skills will be useful in my college reading and writing, as I can easily reach out to my professors to express my concerns regarding a topic that I am currently studying.
I noticed that Mike Bunn repeatedly used the word “you” in his article, which suggests that he is TALKING to the reader directly, creating a sense of engagement and connection. I think I will use  this technique in my own writing as it is a great way to establish a connection with my audience.




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