Homework 1.2

Mike Bunn expresses in his article that “You are already an author”. Bunn means that we, as readers, develop our writing skills as we read a form of writing. While reading, we can learn about the author’s choices that they made for their writing and learn about techniques that you can use in your own writing. These techniques can help you connect more to your writing yourself, as well as other readers. An example seen in the text is when the author describes in detail the building in which he worked. He illustrates The Palace as “a beautiful red brick, four-story theatre” in the heart of London’s famous West End. This is a great example of a choice he made as a writer and we, as readers, can learn from it. This means that as we read, we are already becoming authors. I already write a lot of things in my everyday life. Writing is a crucial form of communication that I need every day to communicate. I communicate with my friends, family, and myself through writing. Even through texting, writing is important. Even texts have tones and the words that you choose can impact others. Besides communicating with others, I also use writing to communicate with myself. Every night I write in my journal. I to myself about my feelings, and write positive affirmations. This helps me connect with myself and feel more motivated. Besides communication, I also use my writing for daily to-do lists. This helps me keep track of the things I need to do in advance and not get behind. This will help me in my college reading and writing career to stay organized with my thoughts. Since I like to keep track of my ideas in writing, I will be able to annotate them in my notebook so that in the future I know what I want to write about and have my ideas ready. I will also be able to use my annotation skills to better understand other people’s writing and learn more writing techniques. 

A good writing technique I would like to incorporate into my own writing is to ask questions to the readers. For example, Bunn states: “I started asking, how—how did the writer get me to feel, how did the writer say something so that it remains in my memory when many other things too easily fall out.” Using questions in your writing can help readers and writers learn more about themselves and see how they would manage a situation.

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