Eric Villa

One word that describes how I am feeling about this course and college in general is encouraged because college is a fresh start for me and a reason to improve my well being. This course would also teach me what I need to advance in life which prepares me for new opportunities coming my way. My study skills are being in an environment where I feel determined to study. Having an environment like that can make me study more efficiently and comfortably. What I need to learn to do better is to cut distractions out during my time of studying because I have learned that I am not good at cutting them out and it holds me back. My only concerns and worries about college is whether or not I am able to manage my personal life and college life. I want to be able to have fun and go out with my friends and not have it interfere with my learning ability in college.

I choose this picture because what it means to me is that it shows me what life is about and to enjoy it with your loved ones whenever you get the chance to.

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