
As for how I am feeling about not only this course, but also college as whole, is that I am uneasy. When I say this, I am referring to how I visualize my lifestyle that I’ll likely end up having to adapt to as the semester goes by. Studying is not something I think about often but when I do, I’d typically prefer to do it alone since it gives me space to think on my own, come up with my own questions to research, and time to analyze a topic in ways only I could understand. I don’t exactly like to have any extra background sounds when I study as I find myself getting distracted with it very quickly which also adds to why I don’t like study groups. Organizing how I will fit time to study into my schedule is something I am confident in being able to do, the thing is just that I usually fail to live up to those expectations I set for myself. I’m unsure as to how I will be able to survive in college, especially after looking over the syllabus for one of my other classes. Basically, it discussed a part about how they will have us put together a final project consisting of a recommended page count of 15 and, even if I could handle it, I just remember myself in high school weeping over having to do 3 pages.

I choose this picture because it shows me doing what I enjoy doing most and that is playing basketball. It is something I like to continuously improve on with myself.

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