Homework 1.1

Being a student can be intimidating, confusing, and just plain difficult! 

So for these first few days, you get to vent about it! No kidding. Share your concerns with each other. Maybe give each other some advice or just a good old bit of support. Believe me — instructors have many of the same worries you do, even if we’ve been teaching for a while. I also promise not to hijack the conversations, either! 

Here’s what you’ll do:

    1. PLAY with the website. You can’t break it. Honestly. I’ve tried. Click around on all the tabs. See what’s there! We’ll be doing a great deal of work here this semester, so make yourself familiar with the sit
    2. READ/ WATCH:
    3. WRITE A NEW POST: Start with one word that describes how you’re feeling about this course and college in general as we get started. No need to explain, but you can if you want to. 
      • Talk about your study skills. What works for you and what doesn’t? What do you need to learn how to do better?
      • Talk about your worries, concerns, reactions to the readings and/or to being a college student… whatever you want to. No censoring… except keep it kind of clean, please ;-). And
      • Add a picture that means something to you, and explain why you chose it — why does it mean something to you?
      • Make sure the post category is INTRO
    4.  Check back in and comment on your peers’ work!

2 thoughts on “Homework 1.1”

  1. INTRO : Nervous. I’m a complete nervous wreck. I was scared to go to college in the first place and I’m still scared now. Yes I was prepared in high school especially in 9th grade having to write an essay 5-6 pages everyday so sad. As I wrote the teacher was mentioning get used to it this is how college is I’m guessing that’s what getting me nervous because I’m not the writing type. Math has always been my best subject. Ima be honest I’ve never studied a day in my school life I never could. It’s probably the fact I would constantly get distracted by video games and watching tv. If I tried I feel like I can accomplish I would just mostly listen to music while doing it. I think I’m mostly worried about failing as a college student because that comes with an actual price and I don’t want that for myself. But with hard work and confidence and dedication I think I can do it. “>

    I chose this picture because I love Tom and Jerry ever since I was a kid. If I was having a bad day and watched them it’s like life was easy.

  2. I feel quite excited about this course and college though I tend to get nervous at times. I am a visual learner. I find that it is better for me to see things physically than to just hear them and learn. One thing I can say is that I struggle with is paying attention because I can be easily distracted, so this is something I need to work on. Something I worry about is completing all my work in a timely matter because I do procrastinate sometimes.

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