Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | FALL 2024 | Thurs 2:30pm

Sunny Naseem – Research Presentation

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  1. Nathaly

    Great job developing this presentation, it really captured overstimulation, lol. Some feedback I have is if you wanted to play with your audience into overestimation, you could have started with something simple and slowly eased your way into overwhelming them with a large amount of text and so on, just an idea. I know it was on purpose to overwhelm your audience and believe me, it worked, for me, at least. Can’t wait to see what you come up with next!

  2. Luis

    Hey what’s Up! I really appreciate the information that was shared as well as the effort to make a topic like this expressive, I was confused at first but once we started to dive in deeper I now FOUND what this meant! What a cool and educating way to speak on overstimulation! good job!

  3. Heni

    Hey Sunny! Fantastic job crafting your presentation. It was so impactful, I totally agree with Nathaly when she said it felt intentionally overwhelming, and honestly, it was the perfect way to highlight the history of overstimulating content. It really drove the point home!

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