Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | FALL 2024 | Thurs 2:30pm

Week 02 Agenda

Tasks Due from Week 1

  • Complete the Student Survey
  • Introduce yourself on Discussion: Introductions
  • Join & Favorite this course
  • Review Welcome & Introduction: Why Theory?
  • Submit Your Learning Plan
  • Submit Week 1 Agenda Checklist

This Week’s Topics

  1. Checkin & Share
  2. Freewrite – The Art of Noticing
  3. Course Materials Review (from last week!)
  4. Your Learning Plan
  5. Assignment: Reading Response- Why Theory?
  6. Week 2 Homework Checklist

Check-in (15+ min)

Fall 2024 Playlist
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: The danger of a single story | TED

After watching this video, consider if you hold a single story or blindspot about some things and not others.

  • How do we avoid the single story?
  • What story or stories you hold about yourself, others, and the world?
  • How do your personal experiences and your stories define your design ideology (beliefs) and design aesthetic?


Below find the information covered in this session. Complete all of the following activities, videos, and assignments.

1. Freewrite / Share– The Art of Noticing (10 min)

Noticing Task from last week by Sunny!

Take A Photo Walk, With No Camera

Find an interesting backdrop and wait for a compelling subject to wander into it. Camera-free, sit in a particular spot, look around, carefully imagining the pictures you could take, and wait for the “right” moment. When you’ve seen it, move on to a new spot!


Prompt: In your language of choice, write continuously in your notebook for 5 minutes about what you noticed while practicing last week’s noticing task. Don’t edit, or correct, don’t stop, just write. Feel free to share or not.

Next week’s task brought to you by Adel:

Look for the Plot

When you are walking to the subway or sitting in a cafe, notice who and what is around you? Imagine you are in movie. Ask youself: What is the plot? What’s about to happen here?


2. Course Site & Materials Overview (15 Minutes)

Let’s review the following sections of this site to familiarize ourselves with the site structure and course materials. Please suggest edits or amendments. If at anytime you see typos, broken links, or errors, please let me know ASAP.

3. Review and Submit Your Learning Plan (15 Min)

Many of you have already submitted your Learning Plan. Great! Let’s read through the Grading Policy & Learning Plan form together. Take a moment to review the questions and write (or rewrite) a draft of your Learning Plan in your notebook.

Before the next class, submit Your Learning Plan. You are welcome to revise it at any time throughout the semester. You are in charge of your learning experience in this course. You will receive feedback rather than grades for your assignments.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You are in charge of your learning experience in this course. You will not receive points or grades on your individual assignments. Feedback, verbal or written, is offered instead.

3. Course Tools Set up (30 – 60 Minutes)

We will be using multiple tools and methods to facilitate the process of reading, writing, collaborating, and presenting. Each of the links below will give you step-by-step instructions on how to get set up with the following tools.

Complete the (2) tasks below before starting this week’s Reading Response Assignment.

> Setup Hypothesis

Follow the instructions in the tutorial Using Hypothesis to become familiar with the tool.

  • Create a Hypothesis account
  • Download and install the Hypothesis extension
  • Join our Hypothesis group
  • Learn about Close Reading and Annotation Types

> Review OpenLab Commenting

Review the instructions for commenting on a post

4. Assignment: Reading Response – Why Theory? (1 hour)

Last week we completed two readings in class. Let’s practice using Hypothesis to reread them together and then write a 200 word response to the readings in a comment on the Assignment Post.

Follow these guidelines on the Assignment Post: Reading Response – Why Theory?

DUE Wednesday 11:59pm before the next class


Week 2 Homework Checklist

Below are all of the tasks, big and small, for this week. The due date is Wednesday, 11:59 pm. Timely completion of these tasks will contribute to your success in this course.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Tasks from the Week 2 Agenda

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