Armstrong, Helen. Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field, Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. Pages 9-15

Questions / Prompts

  • According to this author, what role should design play in society?
  • What distinguishes the field, or fields, of design from other creative occupations?
  • Why should designers concern themselves with unsolvable theoretical questions?
  • What role does technology play in shaping design?
  • What are the most urgent problems facing designers today?

Reading Response

According to the author, design plays the role in society as being the message and subject that people can come across and see. This helps engage people in it. The difference in the fields that distinguishes them from other creative occupations, is the way they don’t work using their own creativity, but rather using other people’s ideas and presenting the message a client may want. From there, they are able to build their career, rather than continue their own personal works.

They design and begin a process of working with their clients on how to solve problems. Designers should be able to concern themselves with theoretical questions since it helps see many different perspectives of what brings people in. Things change all the time, and they need to be able to be ready for such things. The future of design can change all the time, and people should be ready to change and practice it.

The role that technology has in shaping society is by being able to let designers create and visualize more. It lets the designer have more artistic freedom and visuals. Some problems that designers face are being able to organize information and knowing how to look for clients. The designer is responsible for solving these problems by knowing theory, and understanding the social purpose of design. Understanding critical thinking.

Hypothesis Annotations