Revisiting the Avant-Garde

Armstrong, Helen. Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field, Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. Pages 9-15

Questions / Prompts

  • According to this author, what role should design play in society?
  • What distinguishes the field, or fields, of design from other creative occupations?
  • Why should designers concern themselves with unsolvable theoretical questions?
  • What role does technology play in shaping design?
  • What are the most urgent problems facing designers today?

Reading Response

After reading pages 9-15 of Helen Armstrong, Helen. Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field, I can infer that role that design should play in society is a mix of everything that was gone over in the past. For instance, we can see how designers in the early 1900s were somewhat “ego-driven” as put on page 9 which is bad, yes but we saw soon how viewing it was replaced with Newturality and objectivity. This is good for practicality but graphic design needs a bit of personality since it is also an art form, so a bit of both. That also goes for this field since there is a job or requirement that needs to be reached like any other field, designers can just add their own spin to it.

When it comes to unsolvable theoretical questions this is where designers that pride themselves on subjectivity comes into play because other people can give their own opinions, hypothesis, and theories long after the artist has passed as a way to keep people guessing. Technology is something that has shaped a way for design to open up many more doors for everyone whether they care about graphic design or not. Just take a look on page 11 where it says “Already designers increasingly create tools, templates, and resources for their clients and other users to implement”. 
The most urgent problems designers are facing today would be “sustainability and social justice” and “authorship and universality” as put on page 13 which would pose a threat to graphic design as a whole. Designers are responsible for solving theses in order for their work to be seen as globally accepted as to be seen by everyone, and in hopes of being remembered with their names firmly titled with their work as to show future generations that could also see their work as inspiration for getting into the arts.

Hypothesis Annotations

  1. JosefMullerBroackman
  2. Interpretation
  3. Explanation