Walter Gropius: The Theory and Organization of the Bauhaus (1923) László Moholy-Nagy; Typophoto (1925): found in our main text Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field by Helen Armstrong on pages 32-34. Herbert Bayer; On Typography (1967): found in our main text Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field by Helen Armstrong on pages 44-49.

  • According to these authors, what is missing from the art of the past?
  • What role should typography, photography, and other media play in shaping a new kind of art?
  • What role should language play in art and design
  • What sort of new strategies or ideas will be necessary for future art forms?

What’s missing from art of the past would be creating new forms or styles. In that sense, where it’s at a point in time that things are developing and advancing, so there’s a need for a change, where things are more direct and clear to read and follow. It’s also about being able to create ideas and bringing them to life, with these ideas it can help people to look forward to the future. 

The role typography, photography and other media play in shaping a new kind of art would be that it is objective and should be functional. It should also be straight-forward. Since this is the time that technology is advancing and things are becoming more modern, then so does typography, where it should be legible. Same goes with photography and media, where it should be easier on the eye.

The role language plays in art and design would be that paragraphs should be the only form of language to communicate with the audience. However, using sentences narrows down and makes it easier to understand what is being said. It makes the message easier to understand and grasp better than using a paragraph. It should be logical too. As time passes by, communication will change drastically so people read less and less. 

The new strategies or ideas necessary for future art forms would be that it is necessary to use a legible font, a phrase or a sentence that is easy to grasp and understand. Because people are beginning to read less, and it’s not only that but short phrases or words, and small sentences become effective when communicating an idea for the audience.  

What the academy should teach artists about their field that it’s not just about traditional art, but how it influenced the contemporary world to design and revolutionized the use of typography, that it should shed more light on the aesthetics and development of typography because this is another form of art. An art that designers are able to create fonts of their own or utilize it to create functional designs.