• According to these  authors, what is missing from the art of the past?
  • What role should typography, photography, and other media play in shaping a new kind of art? 
  • What role should language play in art and design?
  • What sort of new strategies or ideas will be necessary for future art forms? 
  • What should education or “the academy” teach artists about their field?

What was missing from previous generations’ art was a focus on techniques or a specific set of skills learned in academia that they could not improve upon in their own way. They don’t have the visual freedom to do whatever they want and come up with conceptual ideas using the techniques they’ve learned. Artist was expected to do the art in a specific kind as an individual and not as a collective and what they made did not reflect the real world. Therefore artists learned set skills as individuals and not together and very few worked in the profession they wanted.

Typography, photography, and other media all play a role in producing new forms of art, and when combined, they can create a new type of communication. According to Bauhaus, typography was already an art form that could be used to communicate and expand language when combined with other art forms such as photography you Typohoto, broadens the scope of film and radio.

A language is a form of communication that everyone can understand. Typograpghy played a big role in expanding language to books that people can read and interpret for themselves. In addition, it creating and playing with typography form changes the message of who made what they are trying to communicate. Thus new art forms appeared with using different types of typeface to create art or using it in film media for visual the people.

New strategies like collaborating artwork using one idea from a single person as a collective instead that has multiple ideas for everyone at once. To explore different skills to explore and ideas to expand your reach. Considering brands are striving for more inclusivity in order to appeal to people of various backgrounds, it is beneficial to gain a better understanding of the background and see how they interpret creative forms such as typography, film, and photography.

School should teach how to work on team projects and creating on teams. Since schools do focus on developing your own skills but lack the ability to work with others on a calibration task.
