Walter Gropius; The Theory and Organization of the Bauhaus (1923), László Moholy-Nagy; Typophoto (1925), On Typography (1967) in Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field by Helen Armstrong on pages 32-34 and 44-49.


  • According to these  authors, what is missing from the art of the past?
  • What role should typography, photography, and other media play in shaping a new kind of art? 
  • What role should language play in art and design?
  • What sort of new strategies or ideas will be necessary for future art forms? 
  • What should education or “the academy” teach artists about their field?


According to these authors, what is missing from the art of the past is that it seems like we are missing the concept and visualization of the piece, and it seems like it is a simulation that we put into the art pieces to make it seem like we understand what we are doing. You may take lessons and go to school for art but what you put on paper is just a simulation of what you learned.

The roles that typography, photography, and other media play in shaping a new kind of art is that type can be used to communicate with the viewer and photography can communicate with what you want to present to the viewer. All the roles help it become clear to communicate with the viewer and present the mood you want the viewer to have.

The role language plays in art and design is that you can communicate with the viewer more easily. The viewer can get it in a snap of the fingers without them having to sit there thinking very hard about what you are trying to present to them.

The new sort of strategies or ideas that will be necessary for future art forms is that we should create art pieces for everyone not only just for ourselves but for everyone to have a part in it. There isn’t only one person in the world that has the “right way of creating art” but everyone feeds off of one another. You might like an idea from one person and another idea from another person so no one is really “original” so creating for everyone should be the new sort of strategy or idea.

The education or “the academy” teaches artists about what they can do within the field. With the basics that they already learned but you can’t just master it by what you are taught alone you also need the skills, practice, and motivation.

