Week 17: Monday, 12/14 – Friday, 12/18

(Finals Week)


We will not have a final exam. Instead, please complete the “Final Reflection” posted under “Major Assignments” and linked here.

Also, remember these deadlines:

Friday, Dec. 11: “Writing in a New Genre Part Two” (email me if you need a couple of more days)

Wednesday, Dec. 16: Optional revision of either Education Narrative or Annotated Bibliography. IMPT: if you choose to revise, please email me & tell me which assignment you are revising & whether you are emailing it, sharing it as a Google doc. (for either email or Google docs., use MillerCityTech@gmail.com). If you want to post your revision to OpenLab, title the post “Revision” and choose the category “Week 17 Work”

By end-of-day Friday, 12/18:

  • Publish your post, and make sure you do the following:
    • Title it “Final Reflection”
    • Pick the category “Week 17 Work”