Prof. Miller| ENG 1101 - OL62 | Fall 2020

Week 15 and 16: Writing in a New Genre Part Two

News Report:

 Discrimination Against Immigrants



Host: Good Evening Shakeem, good to have you here with us today!

Me: I’m happy to be here with you guys today to discuss this social issue that is affecting us across the globe.

Host: Yes, can you begin by telling us a little about how immigrants might be affected by this.

Me: Immigrants often travel here to the United States from their foreign land in search of a better life for themselves and their families. However, the way they are treated just isn’t fair at all.

Host: Would you mind elaborating on that?

Me: Of course not. Immigrants often need assistance when they first arrive in the United States, someone who can give them guidance to becoming more self-sufficient. There are people who are willing to help these immigrants however there are also people who discriminate against them and make their lives all the more difficult.

Host: Wow that is terrible! Do you have any examples of times where immigrants were treated unfairly?

Me: Yes, many people may not know but immigrants helped to build many of the labor unions in the country today. You would think that these labor unions would return the favor by hiring immigrants to work for them however that is not the case, Many of the labor unions are against hiring immigrants to work for them and some of them are even in favor of deporting them back to their foreign lands. 

Host: Oh my! That is not fair at all! I can see that this is a tough topic for you to talk about.

Me: Yes it is because no one deserves to be discriminated against because of their background or their social class. 

Host: I’m sure many of the people watching today feel the same way and want to do all they can to help with this social issue. Do you have any advice for them?

Me: There have been laws presented in the past that would have made it illegal for us to help these immigrants however these laws were denied. As a human service professional and to any that may be watching right now we must better understand the problems that the immigrants have faced in the past in order to better help them in the future.

Host: Yes I agree with you. I never knew that immigrants were discriminated against so much however now that I do know I am more motivated to help them. Unfortunately our time on the air is coming to an end, do you have any last words you want to share with our viewers?

Me: Yes one step we can all take to fighting this social issue is by being less judgemental and more open to learning. Instead of judging these immigrants based on things we may have heard we can actually learn from them. Many of them come seeking a better life so why should we deny them that.

Host: they should not be denied a better life at all. Well it was great to have you here today, I’m sure many of our viewers want to help address this social issue now that they know the problems immigrants face. 

Me: Thank you for having me, I enjoyed sharing this information with you and I hope it was an eye opener to not just human service professionals but also to the people we have in office.


1 Comment

  1. Prof. Suzanne Miller

    Received! I look forward to reading this.

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