Prof. Miller| ENG 1101 - OL62 | Fall 2020

“Micro-Activity # 2: Responding to Bunn”

As a writer, I would not say that i’m the best because there is always room for improvement, But I will say that writing is one of my strong suits. It is definitely something that I enjoy doing during my spare time. I also enjoy reading, although I don’t read as often as I used to.  Some challenges that I face as a reader is that i loose focus easily and I also loose interest easily as well. I like reading short stories and poems because I find that I usually finish whatever I am reading if they are’n’t boring, long , or repetitive. When it comes to writing, I love love love to write but i usually experience writers block and am usually at a loos of words when I to be descriptive without using the basic words. I usually try to be as descriptive as i possibly can and sometimes that can lead to me repeating certain words and phrases. I am usually able to read  for about 1-2 hours without my phone although the time frame usually depends on how engaged i get into what I am reading. I usually like reading and writing about emotional things. I feel like I really connect to texts where heartfelt emotions are being spoken about and I also enjoy jotting down my own emotions , sometimes as a stress reliever but mostly for fun.

Bunn Essay Response

While Reading this essay, a line that stuck out to me was when he said that “Instead of reading for content or to better understand the ideas in the writing (which you will automatically do to some degree anyway),
you are trying to understand how the piece of writing was put together
by the author and what you can learn about writing by reading a particular text. As you read in this way, you think about how the choices
the author made and the techniques that he/she used are influencing
your own responses as a reader. ” This part stood out to me because I totally agree with his opinion. When I read  I don’t just read. I read to understand the authors purpose, I read to understand the authors technique and way of writing. On page 71 , Bunn began by giving the readers a backstory about himself and i believe he did that to give the readers a sense of who he really was and how he got to where he was. I believe Bunn would ask questions such as

What evidence is being provided to support their claims and is it effective?

Is there anything to be confused about?

If there is a technique that the author uses, what is it and is it effective?

If you was to do it, what are the benefits and drawbacks of using it?

Morrison Perspective

I think that Morrison means that there are two type of reading styles. Reading as a skill vs reading as an art meaning that when one masters reading as a skill, they are reading in order to find a deeper meaning into what they are reading and when one masters reading as an art, They are reading for fun and really over examining anything in particular. I came to this conclusion because in the article, she mentions “Two approaches seem to me the difference between reading as a skill and reading as an art. The first is quite enough. From knowing what STOP means through understanding a scholarly essay or a legal brief, the necessary skill varies greatly, can always be refined, and lets us negotiate life with some measure of control. Reading as art, not Art (once, depressingly called “critical” reading) is another matter. Like the avid devotion to other arts, it develops over time in any number of ways, takes all sorts of routes, and has many origins.” This whole section justifies my thinking process and how my conclusions came to be.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Suzanne Miller


    It is encouraging to hear you say that writing is one of your “strong suits” and that you enjoy doing it in your spare time! This is wonderful. We will talk about strategies for dealing with writer’s block & strategies for maintaining your concentration when reading! One-two hours of reading without being distracted is excellent… and I like that you jot down thoughts and ideas as you read… this can be very helpful in terms of helping you to maintain your focus.

    Really nice quotes and reflections on both the Bunn and Morrison essays.

    Nice work!

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