Prof. Miller| ENG 1101 - OL62 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity # 1: Introductions

The first thing that i noticed about this class is that it is a completely online asynchronous class which I am looking forward to. However, sometimes I do understand the work better when there is someone telling and showing me what to do. Another thing that caught my attention is that since this class will be online for the most part, we as students are responsible for checking in daily for updates and making sure that we get the work done. I also notice that participation is a major part of our grade, which is good because I do want to work on my communication skills and that is a good way to do so. Lastly I notice that this is a ZTC class meaning we will not need to buy textbooks, instead we will find our reading online which is a lot more convenient.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Suzanne Miller

    Hi Shakeem,

    I’m glad you really took in the syllabus carefully. In terms of the readings, yes, they are all online & embedded in the syllabus. I agree– this is convenient!

    I want you to know that there will be some opportunities for us to meet in real time online… the first chance is during my Office Hours, which will be on Wednesdays between 2 & 4pm. I will be sending a link out tomorrow (Wed. 9/2) at about 1:45pm inviting students to drop in and see me between 2-4pm.

    If you can’t drop in at that time, don’t worry… there will be other opportunities. I agree that while online learning has its benefits, it also has its downsides, so I’m hoping to make up for that with some online video/voice chat opportunities.

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