Important information about the Final Exam:
Our Final Exam is scheduled for Thursday 19 December at our usual class meeting time and in our usual room. All students, without exception, are expected to show up for the Final Exam, which is required in order to pass the course.
There will be assigned seating, different from the assigned seating in the previous tests. Please try to arrive early so that we can get everyone seated and start on time.
If you arrive late or while I am directing students to their seats, please DO NOT SEAT YOURSELF. Wait until I tell you where your assigned seat is.
Additional instructions may be written on the blackboard during the Exam. You are responsible for following all instructions, whether on the board or on the exam paper.
You will need a calculator for the exam. It does not need to be a graphing calculator. If you need to borrow a calculator from the Library, please make sure you arrive in time to do that. You will not be permitted to leave the classroom and go to the Library once the exam has begun.
While I am distributing the exam papers and other materials at the start of the exam, the door to the classroom will be shut and a sign posted asking you to wait. Please wait outside the room until I call you in.
You may not use a cellphone, Apple watch or any other smart watch, or any device which can connect to the internet for any reason. The presence of such a device in my or your eyesight during the exam will be regarded as evidence of intent to violate Academic Integrity Policy and your exam papers may be collected at that point.
You do not need a watch because I will project the internet clock onto the screen as usual.
You may not communicate with another student for any reason in any way during the exam. Both of your papers may be taken away. If you need a pen, pencil, or eraser, or anything else, raise your hand and ask me.
Please make a restroom visit before the exam begins. No one may leave the classroom before the end of the exam without speaking to me, except that after 1 hour has passed, if you handed in your papers, you may leave.
Please see the City Tech Academic Integrity Policy.
Also, please review my course policies.
The resource pages linked below have been updated so that they all link the new Fall 2019 version of the Final Exam review sheet – the only change is that the instructions to some of the problems have been changed for clarity. Nothing has changed about what you have to do.
I have also added in the missing resources, including two slideshows: one on solving exponential equations and one on proving identities. Look for them in the relevant problems.
Below are links to resource pages for each of these problems. This page will be updated as new resources are added. Please also let me know by email or by leaving a comment on this post (NOT in class!) if you find something useful online.