• Functions – Operations
  • Functions – Inverse Functions
  • Polynomials – Division
  • Polynomials – Graphs

Exam 1

  • Our first test is going to take place on Monday, September 30thPlease bring a calculator, as it is a requirement for the test. The test is on virtually every topic from the beginning.
  • Tip: When in doubt, look up the MAT1375 Final Exam Review.
  • Review for Unit I. Another good tool is the little review at the end of each chapter in the textbook.
  • Assume all WeBWorK sections are possible. But the following should be expected:
  • Review
  • Review Part 2
  • Functions – Piecewise
  • Functions – Operations
  • Functions – Linear Functions
  • Functions – Inverse Functions
  • Functions – Translations
  • Functions – Graphs
  • Functions – Symmetries
  • Functions – Difference Quotient (2 of them – one polynomial is definite and either square root or rational function)
  • Polynomials – Division (remainder theorem will likely be an extra credit question also)
  • Polynomials – Graphs
  • Interval Notation, Domains and Ranges will be asked within other questions