
Intro to Psychology 1101


Neuroscience is the study that of the brain and how it functions. Neville article explains to us that poverty has a large impact on the brain. When growing up in poverty kids aren’t able to develop their brains due to their low quality environment. Development in terms of self-control, attention span, and language skills. These effects are long lasting. I personally am a witness of this. I went to public school in New York City and I have met all types of people with different situations. I am one of the many few in most of my classes who was very well off. The kids in my class came from shelters and all sorts of different lifestyles. I noticed they tended to be more aggressive, loud, most likely to get into fights more, and extremely insecure. Just overly dramatic. I did not understand at all. Even taking the subway and seeing the ones who are homeless and hungry. They are not sane. To us, they act very crazy like they did not have any home training.




The difference of the brains between the lower socioeconomic people and the higher level, it’s harder for the lower level people to focus and language skills are lower. The brain skills of the lower people are lower compared to the higher level ones. Poverty affects the development of the brain because of the environment they grew up in and the nutrition they received when they were young. Since lower society people work more hours to earn more money, the parents tend to neglect their children and as a result it affects the children’s brains as well in a bad way.



Neuroscience is experimental psychology which work with the functionality and structure of the brain and nervous system. Neuroscience has been used to explore a variety of theories and scientific research within the subject of how the brain develops. In 2010 a group of scientists at the Society for Neuroscience have proven that poverty changes the brain.  With studies on children ranging from ages 3-5 who lived in poverty, scientist were able to develop a conclusion. Children living in poverty brains develop at a slower rate as well as their development in cognition in contrast to children living in a not so poor environment. Children in poverty have a lower IQ, executive function, self-control, language skills, memory and attention. In order to aid these children they developed games and puzzles to train and develop self-control and attention. Parents were also trained to develop better skills in terms of raising a child in poverty with discipline, attention, giving choices and the importance of talking to their child. Over 100 kids are part of this certain program and improvement in both parents and children have increased. These scientists plan on expanding with different races and population of people living in poverty.


Poverty can have a strange yet unique effect on the brain. Children living and growing up in poverty tend to develop and learn at a slower pace than those who are more fortunate. Many things can be affected psychologically as well. For example; language, self-control, as well as mannerisms are all affected. To counteract this problem parents have tried to nurture their children more and spend more time helping them. Of course this isn’t one hundred percent true. There have been many children that grew out of poverty with better development than those more fortunate. So this study is correct one hundred percent in the fact that being in poverty does affect the brain but in a positive way as well.

One thought on “Neuroscience

  1. Please list all the members of your group at the top of the combined contribution, and PLEASE don’t make me look up last names to go with the first ones listed. In addition, since you didn’t tell me who is and who is not really in your group, I don’t have a way of knowing if all members of the group contributed or not. If they all did, you must write me and let me know or I will not give bonus credit for your work. Finally, you tell me you read an article by Neville but don’t give a full reference. Don’t leave me to guess whose work you are reviewing.

    You have done a minimal job, here, without supplying much by way of introduction to the material, and I believe we have miscommunicated about what the assignment was, too, since it appears you have selected an article from what I posted online and given a review of that. That was what we decided you would do for the midterm evaluation, so your work on that will not be in vain, but the assignment for this task was to find examples from everyday life that illustrate something about how the brain works and what we have learned about how the nervous system operates.
    With that in mind, some more specific comments:
    Dufont: You make an effort here to connect what you read about the effects of poverty with what you have yourself seen, so you are working in the right direction here. To make your observation more solid you should tell the reader more about what the effects of poverty on human behavior have been found to be, and tell us more about yourself, in contrast, to make it clear in what ways you find impoverished people operating differently from yourself (and perhaps your family). Be wary, as you do so, about how you label people. Remember that terms like ‘crazy’ and ‘insane’ are not used by psychologists (why not?). What is it that you observed that made such terms come to your mind? You conclude with the observation that the people you are reporting on seemed like they didn’t have home training. What is it that made you think so? What does ‘home training’
    involve, in your mind? And how does that thought connect with the theme of poverty that you started with? That said, it’s worth thinking about what the value is of thinking about the effects of poverty on human behavior in general. How does framing what we observe, in certain circumstances, as the outcome of people living in poverty, change how we think about the causes of what we are seeing? Given the propensity of human minds in general and the current political climate in particular to interpret human behavior in terms of individual characteristics, for instance, how does talking about poverty as an influence on human behavior call such ideas into question? You have done the minimum here to complete the assignment, so I will give you a 40/50.
    Wong: You have done little here but repeat in very general terms what the article said. Be very, very careful how you use the sorts of terms you use in your report, especially since you actually use the term ‘lower’ in at least two quite different ways: Once, to refer to socio-economic status, then to refer to a quality of behavior. You have given me sufficiently little here that it’s hard to offer much feedback, but since you don’t offer any examples or observations I am compelled to say you didn’t complete the assignment. I will give you 32/50.
    Tapia: You provide a decent summary of the article you read but you end with that, providing no examples or observations and offering no conclusions about what you read. I’ll give you 32/50.
    Timothy: You provide a skimpy survey of what you read, but do offer the tantalizing notion that poverty can actually have some beneficial effects, too. I’d like to hear more about that. Nonetheless, you didn’t offer any examples or observations, so I am compelled to give you 32/50.

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