Author: Asia (Page 3 of 3)

[Asia Campbell] _liporgram1

What is life? Life is filled with adversities, uncertainties, and  farewells.  We all face challenges everyday, whether its a simple changes in the weather, schedules and changes in seasons.  Changes affect us all and we all experience change differently. These changes have guided me during these challenges and unexpected life events.  This same mindset had led fear in situations where the last thing I wanted was change. Iv’e realized it’s neither the circumstances that dictate how my life will pass, but rather the way I handle these experiences.

An instance where life changed drastically was the past year. The pandemic this past year has impacted all very differently. In my case, I adapted with virtual learning all while dealing with the hardship of the pandemic as well. My guardian sadly, suffered from the pandemic. It was extremely difficult seeing her weak and ill. My sister is apart with the NYPD,  she helped citizens in need – whether it was the standard 911 calls and even making calls that a family member has passed from the pandemic. I kept my guardian as well as my sister in my prayers daily, wishing they were healthy and safe.

During this pandemic, many things were taken away.  An example regarding us, it crashed the chance walking the stage.  This was a hard and lengthy year. But I’m happy and blessed that we are all staying healthy and safe!



I’ve been doing online school for almost a year now. And I gotta say I’m still confused of what I’m really doing. My preference of learning is face to face interaction.  I’m just upset because knowing me I will be behind everyone else and maybe get low grades for this. But I gotta keep my head high and just ask questions.

The reason why i chose this picture of a sun-rise is because every morning I look out and it gives me a feeling of happiness, and when i get caught up watching these beautiful sun-rises, all of my negative distractions disappear.

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