Welcome to a New World


So let’s start off this post by saying my name is Daniel Wen and a word to describe this class would be nerve wracking as I myself is still to doing these online classes especially using different websites for different classes. I’m mostly nervous about this class since obviously it’s college but I know that it will have pretty high expectations for me and in order to do my best I will probably have to keep my game up and focus and try hard and mainly nervous about meeting new people and the teacher themselves.

My summer wasn’t the best like many other people during this whole summer I’ve been on lockdown haven’t gone outside and enjoy those old summer days where you would go on vacations and trips the most I ever went out for was for doctor appointment, and getting the Covid Vaccine besides that nothing much. So one word to describe my how my summer went exactly was boring or not interesting we did have some rare fun times like swimming at the pool we had in the house with my brothers and enjoying the 4th of July but besides that summer was pretty off for me. Now the transition from the summer to the school year is quite exciting but quite nervous since I’m excited to finally start my college life and see where it gets me but at the same time I feel nervous as I have never thought that I would start college through online since I’m a shy guy when it comes to talking and communicating with my peers and doing my work through a computer instead of in person it’s in a way like a fresh start.

1 Comment

  1. Sarah Schmerler

    Well spoken, Daniel.
    I am super nervous this year, too, to be honest.
    However, it will come whether I like it or not.
    Best to rise to the occasion and hope that others won’t let you down.
    I won’t if I can help it!
    Shy works for writing class, btw. Makes you more thoughtful.

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