UPDATED October 29, 2015
Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti:
Queer Theory:
- Michel Foucault:
2. From The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory:
3. From Purdue OWL: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/722/12/
Gothic Slides (Retrieved from Matt Coleman’s Architecture Class: http://www.slideshare.net/colemanma/avi3m-class-architectural-tile-handouts?from_action=save)
Slide 1: Gothic-archit-1
Slide 2: Gothic-Archit-2
Chicago Gothic Revival: http://www.architecture.org/architecture-chicago/visual-dictionary/entry/gothic-revival/
New York Gothic Revival: http://nyc-architecture.com/STYLES/STY-GothicRevival.htm
Poe’s “The Fall of the House of Usher”:
Homesickness Handout:
Vidler’s The Architectural Uncanny:
Graphic Novel/Comics
Edward Gorey, The Iron Tonic, 1969
Sarah Nelson: Vampire Phantasm and Daniel
Bobby Crosby and Chris Crosby, Illustrated by Owen Gieni: Last Blood
Freud’s “The Uncanny”
Here is the handout on Royle’s version of The Uncanny:
Prof. Scanlan’s handout on Ethics: Ethics Primer–Gothic Literature
Here is the handout on Todorov’s the fantastic:
The Fantastic\_Todorov_gothicLiterature:
Gothic Examples: Ann Radcliffe and Mary Shelley
Preface to Horace Walpole’s The Castle of Otranto:
“Approaching the Gothic Tradition” by David Stevens; from the book The Gothic Tradition (2000)
David Stevens-Gothic Tradition
Poe’s “The Black Cat”:
“Chapter One: What is American Gothic?” by Alan Lloyd-Smith; from the book American Gothic: An Introduction (2004)
Lloyd-Smith Gothic Introduction
Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery,” first published in The New Yorker on June 26, 1948:
Professor, did you upload “Black Cat” yet? I don’t see it here.
Hi Ismail, sorry to respond so late. I guess you found the reading: in the menu tab.
Hello everyone,
I have found an act of the short story “THE LOTTERY”. Here is the link for it,
Part 1
Part 2
Hi Mamun,
Thanks for finding this. I watched it today and found it to be fairly accurate. The text is word-for-word. The film does interpret a few things.
I will post this to the site later this week.
Prof. Scanlan