
If I had to write a manifesto as Mina Loy did I would write about how woman are taking over in the corporate world.

For decades the head position of most major big buisnesses were run by men. It has only been seen in recent years that woman are gaining positions of power in large companies. Woman have not had big roles in leading major businesses because the standard for a woman is to be a stay at home mother. It is normal for a woman to stay home and take care of the “woman tasks” as the man goes out to work and make all the money for his family. A “woman task” is anything domestic that has a reputation of being a woman’s job, for example cleaning the house is a woman’s job that fits the stereotype.

I would write my manifesto to encourage more woman to get out there in the working field. In 2014 we have come a long way from the woman staying at home with the children, but I still believe we have a long way to come. We need to make a larger movement to make a point that woman are here in the corporate world, were here to stay, and we are here to lead the company.

A woman and a man think different and I believe a lot of male run businesses could use a female input that they may not even know about. I would write this manifesto to stress the fact that woman can’t sit back, we have to take charge and strive for what we want. The normal gender roles for male and female have begun to be broken and we have to continue with this pattern.


Manifesto – Women not being as dominant as males in the professional world

If I were to write a manifesto about women in our society as Loy does, I would write about women still not being as dominant as males in the professional fields of today. The issue I would like to bring awareness to is why do males still dominate the most esteemed professional fields and still get paid more for their work? It is a fact that women teachers, doctors, lawyers, architects, and engineers are neither met with the same confidence as their male colleagues, nor receive equal remuneration.

I believe that even up to today women are constantly still being underrepresented in many fields, especially in leadership positions. Only 1 out of every 7 engineering students is female, and women account for a pathetic 6 percent of chief executives of the top 100 tech companies. And in terms of salary, it’s well established that women earn an average of 77 cents for every man’s dollar.

Our society is constantly changing and making new improvements. But, never did I think that in 2014 we’d still be having this issue. Why are we as women letting ourselves being taken advantage of? We work just as hard and are dedicated to our careers just as the male population is. We’ve all been through the same struggle and fight to become who we are and where we are today. So why not stand up and change the way we are being looked at. I believe we, as women need to help and embrace each other’s work ethic. It’s extremely bothersome to me that the male population is being admired and acclaimed for the same professions we as women are doing but are still not demanding and getting the same amount of respect for. I think it’s highly disrespectful and also pathetic that we aren’t getting paid as much as them although we still put in the same amount of time and effort as they do.


Proctectorate – Noun –  a small country that is controlled and protected by a larger one

Mina Loy Feminist Manifesto

The man who lives a life in which his activities conform to a social code which is protectorate of the feminine element—–is no longer masculine

What I understand about the passage now is that the feminine element is controlled by man.


A Manifesto of OUR Society.

If I were to write a manifesto about woman and our society today. I would write about gender discrimination. Gender discrimination refers to “the practice whereby one sex is given preferential treatment over the others. The practice of giving social importance to the biological differences between men and women is there everywhere. In some societies, these differences are very much pronounced while in others, they are given less importance. If I were to write about this issue in a bold way I might go for the smaller things that people do not really notice.

The first being; We have yet to have a woman president. 49 other countries in the world have. Yet America has not, granted we are currently experiencing our first black president so I am sure one is coming in the future. Why is it hard for us to vote a woman president? Why has only one run so far that has had a decent chance of wining?

The second being this; Haircuts. I was getting a haircut well 2 months ago, but I am sure it has not changed since then. I got my haircut and looked at the price for a mens which was $12 and then I look at the price for a woman and it said $25. I thought thank god I am a guy. Okay so maybe I am a guy and do not know anything about woman but an extra $13 for a haircut? I just feel we should all be entitled to a cheap haircut. Is there that much more supplies / energy / work that goes into it? maybe they could each be $18 or $15? Also this was at a local barber shop, do not get me started on those salons, and the people that pay $200 for a haircut.

Manifesto – Tackling Domestic Violence

In “Feminist Manifesto”, Loy is encouraging women to take charge of their life by taking control and having their own identities that are different from men.  This show us even back then in 1900’s women were fighting for their rights and individuality to have their own identity in society.  When Loy said “The desire for comfortable protection instead of and intelligent curiosity and courage in meeting…”  Loy tells women that they should strive for something other than comfortable protection by men. They should strive for intelligent curiosity and courage.

If I were to write a manifesto about women in our society, the issues I might write about would be the violence against women. By having an understanding of violence in relationships, families and communities is a root cause for violence in our society. We need to change how this problem manifests and magnifies itself in society at large to address the problem at its core.  By changing an individual point of view towards domestic violence, we may achieve a transformation of society overtime.

I am not sure what you mean by writing this issue in a bold way, but since this manifesto will be about my view, motives and intentions I would try to write it in a way that promotes my idea for carrying out changes about domestic violence.


Thinking Manifesto for 2/25

One of the texts we read for this week was a manifesto. There are many examples of manifestos, whether from an organization, a business, or a movement, artistic, political, or otherwise. In general, they are short pieces of writing that make a powerful argument about their topic. Mina Loy, in her “Feminist Manifesto,” argues a few key points about women in society, including one that women’s value is linked to her virginity, and that her place in society cannot change until that society changes how it values (or commodifies) that virginity, including a a bold solution to this problem.

In Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own, rather than making her points in a short manifesto, she writes throughout the six chapters different ways to conceive of women and fiction, and in the course of doing so, also makes bold arguments expressing feminist views.

If you were going to write a manifesto about women in our society as Loy does, or take on Woolf’s topic of women and fiction, what issue might you write about? Write a post in which you brainstorm about that focus and how you could write about it in a bold way. You might think about some of the issues the characters we’ve encountered so far have had to face, as a way to begin to think about issues your manifesto would address. Be sure to aim for at least 300 words. Use the category Manifesto and also Homework Responses.

A Room of One’s Own

At the thought of all those women working year after year and finding it hard to get two thousand pounds together, and as much as they could do to get thirty thousand pounds, we burst out in scorn at the reprehensible poverty of our sex. What had our mothers been doing then that they had no wealth to leave us? Powdering their noses? Looking in at shop windows? Flaunting in the sun at Monte Carlo? There were some photographs on the mantelpiece. Mary’s mother — if that was her picture — may have been a wastrel in her spare time (she had thirteen children by a minister of the church), but if so her gay and dissipated life had left too few traces of its pleasures on her face. She was a homely body; an old lady in a plaid shawl which was fastened by a large cameo; and she sat in a basket-chair, encouraging a spaniel to look at the camera, with the amused, yet strained expression of one who is sure that the dog will move directly the bulb is pressed. Now if she had gone into business; had become a manufacturer of artificial silk or a magnate on the Stock Exchange; if she had left two or three hundred thousand pounds to Fernham, we could have been sitting at our ease to-night and the subject of our talk might have been archaeology, botany, anthropology, physics, the nature of the atom, mathematics, astronomy, relativity, geography. If only Mrs Seton and her mother and her mother before her had learnt the great art of making money and had left their money, like their fathers and their grandfathers before them, to found fellowships and lectureships and prizes and scholarships appropriated to the use of their own sex, we might have dined very tolerably up here alone off a bird and a bottle of wine; we might have looked forward without undue confidence to a pleasant and honourable lifetime spent in the shelter of one of the liberally endowed professions. We might have been exploring or writing; mooning about the venerable places of the earth; sitting contemplative on the steps of the Parthenon, or. going at ten to an office and coming home comfortably at half-past four to write a little poetry. Only, if Mrs Seton and her like had gone into business at the age of fifteen, there would have been — that was the snag in the argument — no Mary.” (Line 1 Paragraph 14)

I think this passage contains the main idea from the reading. The narator and her friend Mary Seton discuss their college, the women’s college, which required a lot of effort to fund when it was first being built. She realizes that the men’s colleges have always been funded generously and she imagines what it would be like for her if women were to leave money for future generations like men did. She thinks of the endless possibilities she could’ve induced. However she realizes if that was the case then there would be sacrifices that women would have to make. “Only, if Mrs Seton and her like had gone into business at the age of fifteen, there would have been — that was the snag in the argument — no Mary.” The point of the passage is to convey the restrictions women go through because of their place in society. It connects to the overall text because she notes the different things she would be able to with some more funding. Throughout the text, the idea that women can only progress with a sufficient amount of money and their own space in order to expand their creativity and intellect is repeated. In the reading, the narator is constantly being interrupted from being herself. At first it was at the turf when she was exploring an idea, then at the library when she wanted to look something up. It shows an example of how women are being restricted from developing and how it takes a toll on their freedom as well.





a gesture, esp. a dramatic one, used instead of speaking or to emphasize one’s words.

“Nor did I at first understand that the gesticulations of a curious-looking object, in a cut-away coat and evening shirt, were aimed at me.”

Paragraph 3 sentence 3 in A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf

Now that I understand this word, I understand that he was making outraged gestures at her because she didn’t belong on the turf, it was for men only.

The Yellow Wall Paper

Choose three quotations from “The Yellow Wall-Paper” that present the married couple’s relationship, and explain what you understand about John as a character, and about the protagonist as a narrator for the way she depicts John.

I found that John was not a very good husband to her, he did not really concern about her condition. John seemed to be putting off her feelings. I felt as if her delusional state of mind was getting worse because they kept her in the room. IN my opinion john and his sister were actually  torturing her. In her mind John was a great loving husband, but I think in reality he treated her like a child, most times he was brushing off her dilemma. he  John referred to her as a child and a little “goose” he belittled her as a competent adult.

The narrator had a different outlook on John than I did, in my opinion John and his decision making on behalf of her, were a great part of why she could not get better. Despite John being a successful physician , he seemed to be avoiding that his wife’s mental health was deteriorating, through out the story it seemed that John was negligent. John was  he was evaluating her sickness  by her physical apreace, skin color eating habbits etc.. instead of her mental illness which was not getting any better as the reading proceeded. I can say that she loved her husband and she believed he cared for her, but he disregarded and her condition and contributed to her getting worse because he never removed her form the room were she was being haunted, in fact he made her stay there.




wrong; incorrect.

“Our assumption that only married people and their immediate relatives have any right to live in comfort and health is erroneous.”

Paragraph 7 in Women and Economics.

Now that I understand this word, I understand that Gilman believes this isn’t the only way people are capable of living in comfort.