The Yellow Wall Paper

Choose three quotations from “The Yellow Wall-Paper” that present the married couple’s relationship, and explain what you understand about John as a character, and about the protagonist as a narrator for the way she depicts John.

I found that John was not a very good husband to her, he did not really concern about her condition. John seemed to be putting off her feelings. I felt as if her delusional state of mind was getting worse because they kept her in the room. IN my opinion john and his sister were actually  torturing her. In her mind John was a great loving husband, but I think in reality he treated her like a child, most times he was brushing off her dilemma. he  John referred to her as a child and a little “goose” he belittled her as a competent adult.

The narrator had a different outlook on John than I did, in my opinion John and his decision making on behalf of her, were a great part of why she could not get better. Despite John being a successful physician , he seemed to be avoiding that his wife’s mental health was deteriorating, through out the story it seemed that John was negligent. John was  he was evaluating her sickness  by her physical apreace, skin color eating habbits etc.. instead of her mental illness which was not getting any better as the reading proceeded. I can say that she loved her husband and she believed he cared for her, but he disregarded and her condition and contributed to her getting worse because he never removed her form the room were she was being haunted, in fact he made her stay there.

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