





obtained, done, made, etc., by stealth; secret or unauthorized; clandestine: a surreptitious glance.

acting in a stealthy way.

obtained by subreption; subreptitious.
Found in Mina Loys Feminist Manifesto
“The woman who has not succeeded in striking that advantageous bargin– is prohibited from any but surreptitous re-action to Life-stimuli–&entireky debarred maternity.”
This definition helps me better understand the passage becuase I now understand that Mina Loy was trying to tell the reader that you cannot act in a stealthy way. The passage now comes together with knowing the word.


If I had to write a manifesto as Mina Loy did I would write about how woman are taking over in the corporate world.

For decades the head position of most major big buisnesses were run by men. It has only been seen in recent years that woman are gaining positions of power in large companies. Woman have not had big roles in leading major businesses because the standard for a woman is to be a stay at home mother. It is normal for a woman to stay home and take care of the “woman tasks” as the man goes out to work and make all the money for his family. A “woman task” is anything domestic that has a reputation of being a woman’s job, for example cleaning the house is a woman’s job that fits the stereotype.

I would write my manifesto to encourage more woman to get out there in the working field. In 2014 we have come a long way from the woman staying at home with the children, but I still believe we have a long way to come. We need to make a larger movement to make a point that woman are here in the corporate world, were here to stay, and we are here to lead the company.

A woman and a man think different and I believe a lot of male run businesses could use a female input that they may not even know about. I would write this manifesto to stress the fact that woman can’t sit back, we have to take charge and strive for what we want. The normal gender roles for male and female have begun to be broken and we have to continue with this pattern.


Manifesto – Tackling Domestic Violence

In “Feminist Manifesto”, Loy is encouraging women to take charge of their life by taking control and having their own identities that are different from men.  This show us even back then in 1900’s women were fighting for their rights and individuality to have their own identity in society.  When Loy said “The desire for comfortable protection instead of and intelligent curiosity and courage in meeting…”  Loy tells women that they should strive for something other than comfortable protection by men. They should strive for intelligent curiosity and courage.

If I were to write a manifesto about women in our society, the issues I might write about would be the violence against women. By having an understanding of violence in relationships, families and communities is a root cause for violence in our society. We need to change how this problem manifests and magnifies itself in society at large to address the problem at its core.  By changing an individual point of view towards domestic violence, we may achieve a transformation of society overtime.

I am not sure what you mean by writing this issue in a bold way, but since this manifesto will be about my view, motives and intentions I would try to write it in a way that promotes my idea for carrying out changes about domestic violence.