Searching and Obtaining an Internship

The process into searching really started even before enrolling into the class. The only thing I was trying to get my portfolio squared away and making sure I included everything within my resume. So the process began with emailing several places I had an interest in and than wait for a response or follow up. With some places I was just under experienced and others it was probably just overlooked and it started to set some worry in the overall scope of things. But sometimes you just have to reach out and ask around to see if opportunities are in the places you weren’t exactly looking at in the first place.

It wouldn’t be until emailing Professor Nicolaou about my situation that would bring into motion a mention of a non profit that was looking for interns over the summer. So I got to work researching the organization before sending off the email to the supervisor and waited for a response back. Promptly after receiving a message back about setting up an online interview I prepared myself to take on any questions that may be asked of me. Overall the interview went pretty well and I get to start along side the Internship’s class Week 1.

Created by Raymond Estrada

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