Portfolio & Reflection

The final reflection

Approaching the final weeks of this semester it was tough for everyone including for myself, I never really spoke in class but I would always give my all. I decided to talk about technology many don’t realize how much we use it in our daily life. Technology has it’s pros and cons , we use it for educational purposes or we use it to entertain us which leads to the worst. I decided to talk about this because I have experienced it myself where it had affected my mental and physical health. The most dangerous effect of technology is obesity. Being absorbed by a laptop or a phone, people tend to eat much more and be up late as well as exercising less. The more time you sit in front of the computer  the less blood circulation in your body not to mention the neck and head pain you get for sitting there for hours. The constant staring at the screen might be the reason for headaches and poor eyesight or the loud music playing is likely to cause hearing loss. There are so many awful things it can do to us I believe people should be aware, so they’re able to prevent it. For Unit 2 we were assigned to find information we could use to back up our genre. I wasn’t really sure what to talk about. I knew I had to write about something that would entertain the readers. It was a stressful moment for me because I wanted to talk about something I had enough information on as well as my own experience. Why talk about something you have knowledge on? Or I assume. To be honest I don’t think I gave my all in that assignment, maybe being that I wanted to give my very last good assignment. “Our lives will continue to be tough until everyone learns to live without it”. ( last sentence from my unit 2 essay) I take this in consideration because I rely on technology so much that you can say I can’t live without it. I use it more than what I am supposed to. We have to realize that Technology will only keep advancing and we will constantly see new gadgets come out to only make us want it and buy It from these companies. But how far are we willing to use it ? Many people who were born decades ago think this generation are privileged to be able to have all this high tech that they wished to have. Life will continue to be tough if we don’t put a limitation on it , learning that technology will not take us anywhere good but only push us away from the real world. 

Getting into Unit 3 the final big assignment I was able to find enough Information. It became a much easier assignment because as I looked back to my essay and analyzed what I was able to work on. I had many things in mind. I wanted to create a powerpoint but it didn’t turn as planned. Being able to talk about my experience was the most revealing moment. Not being able to speak my mind but being able to write what I’ve experienced was great. I am quite satisfied with my essay. Being able to show more information than my previous essay. “We let it dominate us which makes us lose some of our skills and abilities to be used in the real world”. (  My assignment 3 essay, second to last sentence of the first paragraph ) We all have our ways of losing ourselves, many because of the loss of family members, depression or even through technology. It is so powerful that we change as a person and some don’t even realize it until you start committing the wrong decisions. We can stop it if we turn those bad things into good things. 

 I learned a lot this semester. I think I’ve improved my writing just a bit more. Writing these assignments , watching all these videos and reading all the texts definitely gave me knowledge. I don’t only need to drop quotes in my writing in order to write a proper assignment but there are other ways I can keep my readers entertained and the use of different writing strategies that will not only improve my writing but me individually. This is something I can carry to help me with my upcoming English classes. 

Discussions Unit 3

Final essay

We should not forget to balance the time we use on the internet and the time we spend with our friends and family. Technology is becoming a distraction rather than an innovation as people should be able to understand it by now. With the new advancement of technology it has become a greater and more integrated part of our daily lives. Us humans believe that technology is advanced now but it will be much more advanced in the future.  What we always ask ourselves is how far are we willing to get controlled by it or how much more effective will it be to our lives. Society has gotten to a period where teenagers or even young adults have never experienced a time without technology. We all have seen this, we have a sibling or family member who will only remain still if they have a device in their hands. We become too dependent on technology to the point that it is become another human being and has led us to become inferior to it. We let it dominate us which makes us lose some of our skills and abilities to be used in the real world. The impact of technology on our social, mental, physical health can be devastating if we do not keep ourselves in the right path. 

To give you a better understanding of my topic I will like to provide a few diagrams.

The 1st  image shown above shows the percentage of each group age, how addicted they are to technology. We all think people use it as a tool depending on the age but in reality we use it to entertain us. It shows how technology has affected our social life without us knowing. Teens and adults have a very high percentage being that, that’s what we’re all on. As you look towards the middle you see that numbers decrease i believe because now you’re going into your early 30’s becoming more of a grown adult so they tend to not rely on it. We finally see that people who are over 30 don’t rely on technology being that at this age you probably have a profession which doesn’t require using your cellular device. So you don’t use it as often and usually have other things to keep you occupied.

This second image shows how attached we’re to technology and what we use it for. As you can see, teenage kids now only use it to communicate with their friends to take pictures and videos, nothing really more than that. As years go by we will see new data and these numbers increase drastically. We tend to now see kids from ages 5-10 on ipads or phones all day either watching their favorite show or kids playing Roblex.  An older person would use technology  for business purposes or depending on your profession, although everything has to be done through technology.

Many ask but why did you choose to talk about technology ? I asked myself the same why ? I then realized what I have right next to me… a cellular device. Many of us don’t see that our generation is affected by it. We use it for everything, we always carry around us. It has become an issue since I was in highschool. I remember my teachers would complain about kids using their phones in class. It was a drug to them. I really have to give credit to my cell phone without it. I don’t know if I would arrive at my destination or get the answer to my homework I am having trouble with. Technology has helped me out through the good and bad times. It sounds a bit vague. But if we think about it , it’s like another human that we’re interacting with. When I feel upset I listen to music to bring me back up. When I’m feeling good I listen to some lit music to keep that vibe going. When we’re feeling certain emotions we go speak with someone to let it out. I know you’re understanding me a bit more now. I was never attached to technology at all as a kid maybe because my parents raised us differently, showing us that it was bad. No, I did not have the privilege to have a backyard but I did have a lot of toys since I was the first child. I have played sports since the age of 8. I started playing soccer at my local leagues around my neighborhood as I got older. I entered a team then traveling to different states and competing. I got into boxing at the age of 15, me being that aggressive kid made me want to get into a new sport. I fell in love with it and ever since I can’t stop. My daily routine is school then practice and on the weekend my games seem a bit boring but I loved it. I caught this bad habit becoming a gamer throughout the pandemic to the point it was an addiction. I would wake up straight to my game spending hours till the night. I would have my mother complain, get off the game, go do something productive. I just gave her that look. It took me a while to realize that technology was affecting my mental and physical health. I was so focused on leveling up and becoming better instead of worrying about school or getting back in shape.





Unit 3 Weekly Assignments Weekly Writing


In my Unit #2 assignment I decided to write about technology. I believe technology is a big problem in our world today being that there is so much of it and it continues to advance. If we think about it we use it everyday for many purposes, but it’s a good resource. Even I use it on a daily for school or to even look up a match on ESPN. People will ask but why talk about Technology ? if there is many things to talk about. Many of us don’t realize how addictive we’re are to this cellular devices. What I will give my audience are images of actual information on how effective it can be this will beneficial because it gives you a visual information on my topic, people will get bored of me just explaining so it will keep them entertained. I will talk about my experience during this pandemic we all learned something new or caught habits either bad or good, this will help my readers engage with my writing giving them a better understanding of it as well as many possibly relating to it.