Portfolio & Reflection

The final reflection

Approaching the final weeks of this semester it was tough for everyone including for myself, I never really spoke in class but I would always give my all. I decided to talk about technology many don’t realize how much we use it in our daily life. Technology has it’s pros and cons , we use it for educational purposes or we use it to entertain us which leads to the worst. I decided to talk about this because I have experienced it myself where it had affected my mental and physical health. The most dangerous effect of technology is obesity. Being absorbed by a laptop or a phone, people tend to eat much more and be up late as well as exercising less. The more time you sit in front of the computer  the less blood circulation in your body not to mention the neck and head pain you get for sitting there for hours. The constant staring at the screen might be the reason for headaches and poor eyesight or the loud music playing is likely to cause hearing loss. There are so many awful things it can do to us I believe people should be aware, so they’re able to prevent it. For Unit 2 we were assigned to find information we could use to back up our genre. I wasn’t really sure what to talk about. I knew I had to write about something that would entertain the readers. It was a stressful moment for me because I wanted to talk about something I had enough information on as well as my own experience. Why talk about something you have knowledge on? Or I assume. To be honest I don’t think I gave my all in that assignment, maybe being that I wanted to give my very last good assignment. “Our lives will continue to be tough until everyone learns to live without it”. ( last sentence from my unit 2 essay) I take this in consideration because I rely on technology so much that you can say I can’t live without it. I use it more than what I am supposed to. We have to realize that Technology will only keep advancing and we will constantly see new gadgets come out to only make us want it and buy It from these companies. But how far are we willing to use it ? Many people who were born decades ago think this generation are privileged to be able to have all this high tech that they wished to have. Life will continue to be tough if we don’t put a limitation on it , learning that technology will not take us anywhere good but only push us away from the real world. 

Getting into Unit 3 the final big assignment I was able to find enough Information. It became a much easier assignment because as I looked back to my essay and analyzed what I was able to work on. I had many things in mind. I wanted to create a powerpoint but it didn’t turn as planned. Being able to talk about my experience was the most revealing moment. Not being able to speak my mind but being able to write what I’ve experienced was great. I am quite satisfied with my essay. Being able to show more information than my previous essay. “We let it dominate us which makes us lose some of our skills and abilities to be used in the real world”. (  My assignment 3 essay, second to last sentence of the first paragraph ) We all have our ways of losing ourselves, many because of the loss of family members, depression or even through technology. It is so powerful that we change as a person and some don’t even realize it until you start committing the wrong decisions. We can stop it if we turn those bad things into good things. 

 I learned a lot this semester. I think I’ve improved my writing just a bit more. Writing these assignments , watching all these videos and reading all the texts definitely gave me knowledge. I don’t only need to drop quotes in my writing in order to write a proper assignment but there are other ways I can keep my readers entertained and the use of different writing strategies that will not only improve my writing but me individually. This is something I can carry to help me with my upcoming English classes. 

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