
active 2 years, 11 months ago
This Course Profile is PRIVATE, but the Course Site is OPEN to all visitors.
Course Code
Semester / Year
Spring 2021
Course Description

This is our course site for Professor Reichert’s ENG1101-OL79 (MW 4-5:40PM) section.


This course was created by: Kieran Reichert

View the course(s) that this course is based on. This course has been cloned or re-cloned 1 time; view clone(s).

Recent Posts

Unit 3 Brochure/Artist Statement

For the topic I chose to user the genre of a brochure and an artist statement. As I believe this […] See MoreUnit 3 Brochure/Artist Statement

Final portfolio and Reflection

Unit 1   For this first assignment I went in with no type of plan, all I knew is that I was […] See MoreFinal portfolio and Reflection

Recent Comments

Comment on "Final Draft"

Too short, but you did well to take some of my suggestions into account in your revision! See MoreComment on "Final Draft"