Discussions Intro

“How to Read Like a Writer” – Daniel Cortez

When Mike Bunn writes “You are already an author” I think he trying to say that everyone has the ability to be a author. Meaning you can improve overtime and can continue on focusing on improving your material and seeing what can be added to it. To be honest I don’t really remember most of my writing pieces as I generally don’t like writing essays, but what I do remember is the research paper I wrote about Zoom security issues. The idea of the research paper was to spread more awareness of Zoom security issues, and putting the idea out of simply saying “Can I trust this site with my information”. This was suppose to actively demonstrate whether Zoom was a safe site to use at that time. Due to the earlier behaviors of Zoom encountering “Zoom Bombers”. I feel like this reading has helped me have a clear idea about what I expected do on my work this semester. As it can very well impact my daily life too. Something I notice in Bunn’s article that I wanted to try on my own writing was to try and make my writing more exciting. As generally when I write it, it seems a bit boring to read. So what I want to do is start introducing in my work is a bit of humor. To further improve the readers enjoyment and satisfaction of reading my material. This article has also shown me more ways to annotate whether its my colleagues work or my own. As I will try to keep using the RLW tactic. Due to this new mindset I will incorporate, I believe it will expand my knowledge of identifying errors. Obviously not just errors but ways to improve my writing without sounding repetitive. In conclusion I believe I will succeed in this class if I stay strong with the RLW tactic that was introduce to me.

Notes: Daniel Cortez _How to Read like a Writer_ Notations

Discussions Intro


One word that describes how I’m feeling about this course is calm. As I intend to do my best in all my classes including this one and push myself to do more. The reason I want do so is because I feel the whole pandemic made me a bit lazy and I want to change myself from being to lazy to the point of no return. So far I have no concerns about being an online student as I am focus on accomplishing my goals for this semester.

The reason I choose this picture is because this is the face I will make throughout this course the entire time.  As I know this picture will come in mind when Finals and exams approach me in the future.