Discussions Unit 1


The first thing that comes to mind when referencing an anecdote I have experience was the moments when I was in 4th-6th grade. As a child I wasn’t  really good at writing and reading as most kids aren’t at the time point. But the thing that made me worst was myself thinking of the embarrassment I would feel when I had to present something like an essay or project. Due to the pressure I thought of when presenting it in front of the class or something else like that. It never made it better because I would never re-read my work to correct my errors. As I would think the work was fine. But when I read it later I would forget to write down the words that were in my head. As I would write a phrase down that I thought of but not actually write it on the paper. I still struggle till this day on many of my papers but I have improved on this overtime. Ways I have improved my writing and on fixing this problem is re-reading, reading out loud, and asking advice from others. Such as giving them my paper/work and asking them for any changes they would recommend. I will say this does take a lot out of me to openly ask for criticism. Due to bad experiences my teachers have said to me. I understand they were just trying to tell me to re-read and work harder. But every time they give me some advice it would come with the embarrassment of the class as they would usually raise their voice or something like they were trying to cause a scene. I don’t understand this method of some teachers but I guess it worked as eventually it made me improve on my writing and reading skills. In conclusion this problem did get fixed but in the way I never wanted to experience for anyone. I try my best to improve everyday and focus on the goal at hand make sure I never feel that way again.

Weekly Assignments


The genre I interact with is gaming, specifically a site called Twitch. Twitch is basically a platform such as “YouTube” where you go watch videos of any genre and watch the video. The only difference between YouTube and Twitch is that Twitch is specifically focus on gaming. The genre in Twitch is gaming but it also has genres within the genre of gaming. Such as scary games, adventure games, action games, etc. Within this site it allows viewers to choose which gameplay people can decided to watch. Also in Twitch people live stream the games they play and, viewers can interact with the people playing the game they want to watch. If the viewer decides it likes the content of the Twitch Streamer they can donate ,follow, or subscribe to the channel. the language and tone of this site are everything as Streamers in Twitch can speak English, Spanish, Mandarin, etc. All the people who stream those games can have different tones and languages with their content which can contain cursing, slang, or overall friendly vibes within the person. What makes the chosen genre the genre it is, is the fact that without gaming so many people would have never connected with each other. As the genre of gaming in my opinion brings people together and produces enjoyable content to others to watch. As I can personally say that with gaming I would have never made any of those experiences I have done before. Especially meet the people I play with today. This may include most people in the world as gaming has been the founder of my childhood for the most part. In conclusion I chose this genre to share with you is to state that this genre of gaming has been the best genre I have ever experience, and I hope this may interest you as a reader to try gaming out. The genre of Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue” is the cultural differences of her imperfect English and the language of imitations.

Weekly Assignments

“Shitty First Drafts”

While reading “Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott I notice 3 steps she took to write one piece. The first step was to write whatever came to mind, relating it to what a child would think. As a child like mindset may see a different perceptive rather than an adult’s perceptive. The second step I notice was the editing phase where you see any sentences you wrote, and write it more clearly than you did before. Overall making the sentences meaning or message more impactful. The third step was the final revisions, as in this stage you check every word of every sentence, to see if there are any ways to improve and fix any grammatical errors.

My views on my writing process has not change as I have used this same process before. As personally I needed to double check my work and do any revisions I needed to do. Due to lack of effort in my writing pieces, because I would basically do the first step of the process and think it would suffice for a easy grade and that was it. The comparison between my own writing process and Lamott’s process is a little different. As every time I would have to work on a essay or a general writing piece, I would go through the same process as Lamott’s then ask my teacher to revise/read my writing piece for any changes she would recommend.  Some steps I may include in my process would be to better finalize my revision stage and perfect it to the best of my abilities for future events.

Daniel Cortez _Shitty First Drafts _ Annotations